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------ new ------ TRAILER! ------ new ------

The file is now 7 MB and is in AVI format. If it doesn't work in your "Windows Media Player" you should also download and install the "angel" file (a video codec). As it is only about 850 KB, it's best to download it anyway and install it first. An extra video codec doesn't hurt, especially a great one such as "angelpotion".

Another thing: the sound of the AVI file is coded in MP3 format. In plain English this means you need to have an MP3 player installed, such as "winamp".

Finally, the files! Please right-click your mouse on the links and select "save link file as..." or similar, then choose the path on your hard disk. That's because some browsers attempt to opent the trailer.avi file directly if you left-clik it, which wont work. The file was not compressed for streaming video, and besides you need to install the codec first.

Have a lot of fun!

Please send your feedback at treipazeste@yahoo.com